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Ultrasound Guided Procedure Training


For one of our courses we were tasked with creating a medical training simulation for Ultrasound Guided Procedures by the LSU Medical School. They wanted to research if using a game/simulation to teach new medical interns would increase their proficiency in the Ultrasound Guided Procedure part of their training.

Full Playthrough


Platform: VR

Tools: Unity, Meta Quest 3

Duration: January 2024 - September 2024

Team Size: 16

Role: Gameplay Engineer

All Code Snippets

Gameplay Engineer

  • Design and implement game mechanics 

Puzzle Mechanics 


The tutorial familiarizes the user with the goal of the game and walks them through the various mechanics they will be using during gameplay.

Accessibility Options 

To account for different user heights, arm lengths, and hand dominance we added a way to adjust the height of the table and a button to switch which hand holds which device. 

Dynamic Spawning System

Using a series of transform locations, a new group of targets are spawned onto the table as you move through the game.

Multiple Levels of Difficulty

As the game progresses, the variety of targets increases. We add negative targets that decrease the players score and moving targets.

Playtest at LSU Medical School

The Testing Day w/ Students

After the game was created, we went to the LSU Medical School and students tested their skills using our game.

What I Learned

  • Prototyping quickly can help a team focus in on the correct kind of mechanics to accomplish the desired goal. 

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